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Don’t buy a new camera!...yet

Learn to use your camera - Bedford
Learn to use your camera

That’s right we don’t recommend that you buy a new camera right now - that is, if you’re new to photography.

Perhaps you’ve had a camera for a while and want to dip your toes into the photography world, maybe you’ve been passed down a camera that is slightly older than you’d like. Whatever the case may be, if you already have a camera to shoot with and you are new to photography, stick with that camera. At least for the time being.

You may be thinking it’s strange that we would try to prevent you from splashing out on the latest version of your preferred camera brands top-end camera - but there is a reason. A method to the madness so to speak.

The reason we don’t want you to go out and drop hundreds if not thousands of pounds of your hard-earned money on a brand new camera right away is that no matter what camera you currently have - it will be more than capable of taking the pictures you will need to take in order to learn the technical aspects of photography. If you were to head out and buy a new camera before you’ve really gotten started with your current camera, you will find it difficult to know what to look for when purchasing your next DSLR or Mirrorless camera body.

Realise your cameras limitations
Realise your cameras limitations

One of the great things about learning photography is that over time all of those wonderful dials and buttons become familiar to you and this allows you to focus solely on capturing the best picture possible by working on your composition and creative thinking.

It’s when you become familiar with your current cameras features and its limitations that it’s time to think about upgrading. At which point, you will have a far better understanding of what your next camera body or lens should be.

Once you’ve made that purchase at the right time, seeing the jump up in features, resolution and image quality feels that much better - you’ve earnt the upgrade, and leaving behind your old camera with its limitations is liberating in and of itself. You can now see the benefits of your upgrade and can get straight back to shooting without feeling as though you have jumped in too deep right from the outset.


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